Friday, February 24, 2012

Final approval of article: pt diaz, ma king

Credits: The authors thank Tina Bees and Valerie Wright for his help in preparing the manuscript. Grant Support: By National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Grants RO1-HL49730 and RO1HL53229 and Clinical Research Center Grant 2MO1-RR0034. Requests for Single Reprints: Philip T. Diaz, MD, light and resuscitation, North Hall 325 Means, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, OH 43210-1228. Requests for acquisition of mass re (minimum 100 copies):

Reprints Coordinator, phone 215-351-2657, e-mail, reprints {

} by mail. acponline. Org. Current Author Addresses: Dr.. Diaz, Pacht, Wewers, Gadek, Drake and Clanton: light and Intensive Care, Department of Internal Medicine,

Ohio State University, N-325 Means Hall, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, OH 43210.components of the immune system Martin Luther King: Department of Radiology, The Ohio State University, N-325 Means Hall, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, OH 43210. Dr. Nagaraj: Department of Statistics, Ohio State University, N-325 Means Hall, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, OH 43210. Author contributions: Conception and design: PT Diaz, MA King, ER Pacht, MD Wewers, JE Gadek, J. Drake, TL Clanton. Analysis and interpretation of data: PT Diaz, MA King, ER Pacht, JE Gadek, HN Nagaraj, TL Clanton. Preparation of the article: T. Diaz. Critical revision of Article important intellectual content: PT Diaz, A. King, MD Wewers, JE Gadek, HN Nagaraj,

TL Clanton. Final approval of article: PT Diaz, MA King, ER Pacht, MD Wewers, JE Gadek, HN Nagaraj, J. Drake, TL Clanton. Provision of study materials or patients: PT Diaz. Statistical expertise: HN Nagaraj, TL Clanton. Obtaining of funding: P. T. Diaz, MD Wewers. Administrative, technical and material support: PT Diaz buy lasix 40 mg. Collection and assembly data: MA King, J. Drake. .

Cold water fish (halibut, mackerel, salmon, tuna, etc.

Osteoporosis prevention and management of food

Read all our articles on Osteoporosis is a disease that is characterized by reduced bone mass and bone mineral as well as nonmineral matrix, leading to enhanced bone fragility and increased indirect risk of fractures. In these patients, bone density was reduced to 2. 5 (or more) standard deviations below the young man mean bone density. Reduced bone mass can result from failure to reach optimal bone mass in early adult life, from increased bone resorption or decreased bone after peak bone mass has been reached. Possibly, in osteoporosis, the rate of bone formation is insufficient compared with the rate of bone resorption and so is the inability to maintain the structural integrity of the bones of the skeleton. In the United States, an estimated prevalence of osteoporosis is high, affecting 20-30 million people. The main risk factors for osteoporosis increased age, female gender, white or Asian race, positive family history of osteoporosis and thin physique. Other risk factors include decreased lifetime effects of estrogen, low calcium intake (in casualties as low acidity of the stomach and deficiency of vitamin D), sedentary lifestyle (lack of load-bearing exercise), smoking, chronic alcohol and drugs, and diet. The main objectives in treating and preventing osteoporosis are: (1) to preserve adequate mineral mass. (2) to prevent loss of matrix protein and other structural components of bone. (3) Ensuring the optimal repair mechanisms to repair damaged areas of bone. Note: Currently, there are conflicting scientific evidence about the benefits and / or risk of soybean (or other phytoestrogen containing foods) consumption by individuals with positive estrogen receptors defeat breast cancer. In such cases, the consumption of phytoestrogen containing foods (like soy) of these persons is a personal decision that their doctor / doctor can guide them in decisions. In addition, dietary suggestions below include foods to which some people may have allergies, intolerances or sensitivities, and in those cases, these products should be avoided. Dietary choices should be modified to suit your personal dietary needs. People taking medication should not consume any herbal teas described without prior consultation with a physician / doctor about potential interactions. Consult your doctor / physician for more information about nutrition and your individual medical condition.immune system images Dietary lasix 180 mg considerations Avoid sugar, refined carbohydrates, coffee, soft drinks and alcohol. Select all products, especially organic, whenever possible. Eat a variety of them, especially fruits and vegetables, focusing on those products that contain high amounts of bone supporting nutrients: calcium, magnesium, boron and other minerals, vitamins A, D, E and K, B vitamins, C, etc. . boron pears, for example, helps prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin E and calcium in almonds, for example, and make a meal, a good choice. Fresh foods are always better and frozen food is always better preserves. Avoid excessive consumption of animal protein and total lack of protein. Daily protein goal is 0. 8g/kg weight. Excess protein can lead to high metabolic production of acids that may be leaching minerals from the bones. Rely more on plant sources of protein such as legumes, nuts and seeds, as opposed to meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. Cold water fish (halibut, mackerel, salmon, tuna, etc.) in moderation is still a good source of protein and other nutrients has benefits such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. diet high in fruits and vegetables promotes optimal physiological phosphorus / calcium ratio and acid / base balance, preventing rapid loss of calcium observed in individuals who consume diets high in meat, dairy products and cereals. Use organic low-fat or low fat dairy products and dark green leafy vegetables are high in calcium absorbable. Vegetables high in calcium (in descending order of calcium content) include turnips, lambs quarters (grass), kale, rhubarb, spinach, broccoli, dandelion greens, mustard greens and kale. Other dairy products that contain significant calcium include oatmeal, enriched rice milk / soy milk / nut milk, soybeans and tofu, sesame seeds and tahyni, sea vegetables, peas, blackstrap molasses, almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts, baked beans, oranges, halibut , flounder, clams, oysters, shrimp, canned sardines or salmon with bones. Eat salads and dark green leafy vegetables with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to help increase calcium absorption. Some studies show that foods such as spinach, chard, beets and chocolate contain oxalates, which bind with calcium, preventing its absorption. Phytic acid is found in wheat and oats will bind calcium and prevent its absorption. 3:58 Drink cups per day capacity of bone Amanda Tonic Tea (recipe below). Bone potential Amanda Tonic Tea Mix all herbs and broth to boil one ounce of this mixture in one liter of water, covered for 20-30 minutes. Strain and drink 2.4 cups a day. Consult your physician / doctor for a comprehensive osteoporosis prevention and management plan that is tailored to your individual medical and personal needs. A. Brown, Kathleen. Herbal Teas: 101 Nourishing blends for everyday health and vitality. In 1999. Floor Books, Inc 2. Marz, Russell B. Medical Nutrition from Marz, 2nd edition. In 1999. Omni-Press. 3. McIntyre, Anne. Drink to Your Health: Delicious Juices, teas, soups and smoothies to help you look and feel great. In 2000. Gaia Books Ltd. 4. Pollack, Jeannine. Healing balm. In 2000. Floor Books, Inc Dr. Nicole Sundene, ON

is a licensed physician in the natural Fountain Hills Natural Medicine 16719 E Palisades Boulevard, Suite 205, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. She believes that we should use natural medicine to treat the root causes of disease, not just treat the symptoms and signs of imbalance message is sent with the body and will last until they are properly taken into account. For appointments, you can find more information about natural medicine services. © KitchenTableMedicine. com, LLC ™.

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Those with this condition find themselves ...

Diseases of the immune system is difficult to diagnose and then they are exhausting that is. Those with this condition is very tired and often sick and sometimes bedridden. Once this condition occurs, it is almost impossible to cure without heavy and expensive treatment. Keep in mind, this article is not focused on the way to treat or cure this condition. It just shows how this condition can prevent or slow down naturally. Are all susceptible to this condition? The answer is: yes, but there are ways to avoid this condition completely. It takes dedication your health and well-being. There are some conditions that are genetic and those conditions are not considered here. In addition, those who have treated this disease can not benefit from all that is written. Although it can not hurt to try them, it is best to do so under the supervision of their medical services. The immune system is a complex thing. One year a person can feel big, strong and never had any illnesses throughout the year. In addition, there are years when the same person is constantly sick, tired and often lasix drug generic in a bad mood. What helped was health and happiness in comparison with the year the disease and a bad mood? The difference is lifestyle and environmental factors.3 ad anabolic xtreme It could be something as simple as changing sleep or not getting enough sleep. Changes in diet or life conditions can lead to problems. Stress levels that increase may also promote changes in health status. All this leads to a weakening of the immune system that can be easily compromised. Weakened system prone to all kinds of injuries and illnesses. Permanent disaster can lead to more serious complications. To create and maintain a strong immune system are some simple things people can do every day to maintain your health. 1) Keep your body hydrated. How much water daily allows the body to heal and release toxin. 2) get at least seven hours of sleep a day. 3) Eat foods high in fiber. Take a large amount of omega-3 as fish or supplements and are fresh dark green vegetables. 4) Take a walk or jog every day for at least thirty minutes. By doing these few things the natural way to prevent the immune system from damage. Despite the simplicity, is a powerful way to retain a healthy person, but also prolong life. .

Exercise creates muscle tone and improves ...

Exercise is not only important for overall health, it helps build bone mass in young and slows bone loss in adults. Exercise is also an important factor in reducing the risk of falls, as it strengthens muscles, increases flexibility and improves coordination and balance. During physical activity bones receive a message that they must work and be strong. When there is lack of exercise, the bones do not get these messages and lower bone mass can result. Regular physical activity provides long-term benefits for bone health. Exercise plays an important role in creating and maintaining bone strength. Like muscles cheap lasix, bones respond when they are stressed in other words, when they have to carry more weight than they used to. This can be achieved by supporting the weight or impact exercises. In young, exercise helps the formation of strong bones

People fractures can benefit from special exercises and training (under medical supervision) to improve muscle strength and muscle function for greater mobility and improved quality of life. Weight bearing exercise necessary for good bone health. This type of exercise include walking, jogging, climbing, tennis, volleyball and similar sports, aerobics, tai chi and dancing. Resistance training, also known as weight or strength training, also good for the muscles and helps maintain bone mass. Talk to your doctor to find out what kind of exercise is best for you depending on your age and health. How much exercise is recommended? The number and type of exercise will vary depending on your age and health of bones. The program of exercises should be individually tailored to your needs and opportunities. In general, most people should aim to exercise for 30-40 minutes three to four times a week, with some bearing and resistance exercise program. A bearing exercises (jumping, running, dancing, walking), the bones of young people to buy as density and mass. Bones become stronger and less vulnerable to osteoporosis later in life. Artificial bone density and bone mass, which is especially important for girls and boys aged 8-16, and to a lesser extent, in young adults. It is important to exercise, you select a suitable for your age and health. In old age, bearing exercises help preserve bone density. Exercise is especially important for older women who have a higher rate of bone loss after menopause tissue. Exercise creates muscle tone and improves balance, thus preventing falls, which is one of the main triggers of fractures. This is especially important for older people.3 ad anabolic xtreme Exercise can also play an important role in rehabilitation. Muscle strength and bone strength related. Exercise to strengthen muscles can help restore bone who developed osteoporosis, and may provide protection against one of the most debilitating symptoms of osteoporosis: pain. People with osteoporosis or previous invoices should consult their doctor before embarking on a program. For more information on the role of exercise in bone health please report IOF "Move or lose it, as exercise helps build and maintain strong bones, prevent falls and fractures and speed rehabilitation. .

Statistically significant correlation between ...

This review will discuss the images of the chest in patients with pulmonary emphysema. Image findings should be related to the structure of light, because emphysema is defined in anatomical terms. Thus, we first consider the anatomical definition of emphysema and its consequences, and then consider the results of imaging with emphasis on CT in patients with this disease. The more severe morphological emphysema, the more likely diagnosis is radiation, no matter what criteria are used. Criterion arterial insufficiency is a specific but insensitive.

immune systems disorders
Criteria used to evaluate Pererazduvanie sensitive but not specific. CT can be used for both qualitative and quantitative assessment of emphysema. The presence and extent of emphysema of the lungs can be identified by visual assessment of areas of abnormally low attenuation or weakening of the basis of objective quantitative value. Statistically lasix 40 meq significant correlations between emphysema and CT has been shown in numerous studies, but soft morphologic emphysema may be missed by CT, CT and sometimes give false-positive results. In patients with moderate to severe emphysema, the severity of emphysema is underestimated on the basis of CT by approximately three times compared with the results of pathological examination of right lung samples. Despite these limitations, CT is the best way of life in the recognition of emphysema patients and may play an important role in the recognition of localized emphysema, undergoing surgical treatment. .

In december 1987 fda approved the first ...

What is emphysema? Emphysema is a degenerative disease that usually develops after years of attack by light

tissues from cigarette smoke or other toxins that pollute the air. These toxins destroy the small >> << air sacs in the lungs, called alveoli, that stretch as they carry oxygen from the air >> << in the blood and then shrink as they displace carbon dioxide . As a result, the lungs lose their elasticity

, and exhaling becomes difficult as the damaged lungs trap air and can not effectively

exchange it for fresh air. As the damage progresses, the effort needed to increase breathe

and, ultimately, each breath becomes difficult. Emphysema is a group of lung diseases called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which may interfere with normal breathing. Other diseases that come under COPD include asthma and chronic bronchitis. According to the American Lung Association (ALA), nearly 16 million Americans are estimated to suffer from some form of COPD and COPD is the fourth ranking cause of death just for heart disease, cancer and stroke. ALA believes that 2 million Americans have emphysema in 1998, and smoking is the main cause. Impact of air pollution and irritating fumes and dusts in the workplace, also consider the factors of emphysema. The preferred symptom of emphysema is shortness of breath or feeling unable to get enough air. A person may initially visit the doctor because he or she began to feel shortness of breath during physical activity, but as the progression of the disease, this symptom may be present at all times, as if Gooden, even while sitting quietly. Cough, shortness of breath and chronic mucus production are other common symptoms. Diagnosis, however, can not be based on these symptoms only Saia says. Careful history taking, he says, focusing on the number and duration of these symptoms, as well as smoking and occupational history is essential for diagnosis of this disease. The doctor carefully examine the chest, breathing watch designs, and control how hard people work to breathe. Careful examination will also include noting the degree of inflation of the lungs, listening to the chest by stethoscope to hear the air and light, and listening to heart sounds to determine its rate and rhythm, and no signs of heart strain that may accompany advanced stages of emphysema. In addition, routine tests of lung function can be defined several characteristics and capabilities of the lungs. The following tests may determine the different stages of emphysema:

spirometry: with tubes connected to the vehicle, records and airflow capacity, the patient makes a deep breath and blows it as soon as possible. Measuring the amount of air that can be pushed in one second, and the total amount of air that can be exhaled is the best way to determine the amount of airway obstruction. Arterial blood gas (SAC): ABG analyzes of blood from the arteries of carbon dioxide and oxygen. This test is often used to assess the later stages of emphysema and to determine whether this or that person needs supplemental oxygen. Pulsoksymetriyi: a special world, which is fixed on the finger or ear lobe, may indirectly determine the amount of oxygen in the blood. X-rays: X-rays are not often helpful in early diagnosis of emphysema, but in moderate and severe cases, quite accurate diagnosis can be done with a simple chest X-ray and computed tomography (CAT) scanning. Some of the most common presentation on chest x-ray include the flat membrane, the loss of labeling of blood vessels, and appearance of reduced size of the heart. These and other test results, in comparison to values ​​considered healthy for various age groups, height, weight, sex and race. There are a number of treatments that may help patients with emphysema, but the most important step to quit smoking. Quitting smoking with airway obstruction is mild or moderate slows the development of disabling shortness of breath. However, "to quit at any time during the illness", Saia insists, "gives some advantage." People with emphysema should also try to avoid contact with other air irritants. Broncholytic medicine: This class of drugs works by relaxing muscles around the airways. They are usually prescribed for relief of bronchospasm in patients with reversible obstructive airway disease. Often used to treat asthma, they can be set for emphysema patients if there is a tendency to airway narrowing or tightening. Some of the most common bronchodilator medicines include: albuterol, terbutalin, ipratropiyu bromide and theophylline. Inhaled medications that go directly into the lungs and have less impact on other parts of the body, often tried first because they usually start to work less than five minutes with a low incidence of side effects. "Valuable addition broncholytic treatment of blood used for monitoring pharmacological agents such as theophylline," adds Steven Gutman, MD, director of clinical laboratory devices in the Center for Food and Drug Administration for devices and radiological status. "Although the tests for measuring theophylline have been available for decades," he says, "is still a refinement of this test that make them more accurate and accessible."

Anti-inflammatory drugs (corticosteroids): Since emphysema may be associated with inflammation, doctors may prescribe corticosteroids to soothe and ultimately heal a thin layer of mucous membrane of the air passages, making them more resistant to obstruction. Inhaled steroids are not FDA approved indication for COPD but not used for its intended purpose by many clinicians. The type of steroids contained in these preparations are not the type that builds muscle. Prolonged use of oral corticosteroids is usually associated with different dose-dependent side effects such as osteoporosis (men and women), weight gain and fat redistribution, hypertension, loss of muscle mass and elevated blood sugar. Commonly used corticosteroids include oral drug prednisone and several inhaled corticosteroids. Oxygen therapy: Supplemental oxygen can benefit the patient who has severe lung function disorders and can not absorb enough oxygen from the air. Long-term oxygen therapy prolongs life in patients like Gooden, who have low levels of oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia). This therapy reduces the excess red blood cells, which improves mental activity and heart failure. It can also relieve shortness of breath on exertion. Lung reduction surgery: Emphysema sufferers can find relief from the symptoms of this surgical procedure. It often eliminates the need for oxygen and improves respiratory function. This technique, which is a minimally invasive procedure that requires two or three small incisions made in the chest and a tiny camera inserted through one of the incisions to view the lungs. In another section, a special device is inserted to reduce the binding of the lungs, so that healthy tissue lung has more room for expansion. Prospective patients must undergo rigorous testing to review the operation. Transplantation surgery: Lung transplantation is a highly invasive, complex procedure that carries significant risks. Because of the known complications of any operation to transplant, this option is only viable in a small, selected group of patients. Exercise programs can be done to improve independence lasix 150 mg and quality of human life and reduce the frequency and duration of hospital stay, although lung function does not improve. Gains in air conditioning systems, however, warns Saia, quickly lost if the person stops training. The key to managing emphysema, Saia insists, is to identify the disease early. Methods continue to be developed to help doctors find the first signs so that preventive and therapeutic measures can be instituted. But modern methods of treatment, even those who are seriously suffering from emphysema and out of the house, like Gooden, can be more comfortable and may experience a higher quality of life. Carol Lewis, staff writer for Consumer FDA. For more information on emphysema, contact the following organizations:

Timonium, MD 21093-5156

1719 East Nineteenth Street. Denver, CO 80218

For information on how to quit smoking, contact:

4770 Buford Highway, N. E

Chamblee, GA 30341

WWW. CDC. GOV / NCCDPHP / Osh / resource. HTM 2101

East Jefferson St. Rockville, MD 20852

see the November-December 1997 FDA Consumer There are rare inherited forms of the disease called alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AD), related emphysema. People with A1AD absence of protective protein alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) or alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor. Without AAT, a natural enzyme called neutrophilic elastase that initially fights bacteria and purified the body of the dead tissues of the lungs may rage and eventually damage lung tissue. For people with A1AD, missing or defective protein, alpha-1 may be replaced or supplemented. In December 1987, the FDA approved the first specific treatment for A1AD related emphysema, called Prolastin, which raises the level of AAT in the blood and can protect lung tissue from the destructive enzyme. Replacement therapy derived from human plasma that had been checked and tested for viruses and it is usually taken in weekly intravenous infusion. - C. LD.

Pectin helps to slow the rate at which carbohydrates ...

You know FLEX position on supplements - they work well, but only after your diet from the square. Finally, the application does exactly that: He supplements his diet. Food you eat can also be seen as a supplement. Indeed, a lot of bodybuilders think about all the food as a dietary supplement. They do not eat meat because they are delicious, but also because they carry out metabolic need for bodybuilding. Consider the following products for their natural anabolic benefits. Add them in the bodybuilding staples to get the most out of every meal. Most of these products do not usually provide a more concentrated source of ingredients than comparable supplements, but their advantage is their form - natural, clean and in a matrix of lasix 240 mg other ingredients that may increase their bioavailability. Consider these 14 products as a complement to the food program and Scheduled supplements. Chances are if you are not of Scandinavian descent, you are missing one of the best muscle foods on the planet: herring. Whether it's smoked, pickled or smoked herring packs more creatine than any other creature on the planet. Creatine is one of the most important nutrients bodybuilding because it increases muscle and, ultimately, power. In addition, creatine helps drive nutrients into the muscles to help recovery and growth. Dose: Eat six ounces of herring hour or two before the workout to provide your body with more than 40 grams (g) of high quality protein, 12 grams of healthy fats, more than 3 grams of muscle growth stimulating leucine and about 2 grams of creatine. Add at least another 2 grams of creatine in the form of additions to this blow your muscles up. Stock up grapefruits, when you try to display your abs. This citrus fruit can help you shed fat. Recently, 12-week study found that when only half grapefruit or eight ounces glass of grapefruit juice consumed three times a day, but no other dietary changes were made, subjects lost an average of four pounds with many losing more than 10 pounds . One reason for this may be blood glucose and insulin, reducing the effect of grapefruit, which is also observed in the study subjects. This may be due to soluble pectin fiber grapefruit. Pectin helps to slow the rate at which carbohydrates (glucose) enter the bloodstream, which helps keep insulin levels down. Another possibility for the effectiveness of grapefruit in fat loss due to the connection narinhenin. It slows flavonols normal detoxification and metabolism of various drugs. It also slows the breakdown of caffeine, which can help in losing fat because it continues thermogenic effect of caffeine and fat burned. If you take prescription medications such as antihistamines, antianxiety drugs, calcium channel blockers, cholesterol-lowering drugs or immunosuppressant drugs, consult your doctor before eating grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Dosage: One grapefruit (two or three times a day) provides about 130 milligrams (mg) naringinen, only 90 calories, 2 g fiber over more than half of that pectin, 20 g carbohydrates, 2 g protein and 90 mg vitamin C dose. Due to its possible effect of insulin decreasing, do not eat or drink grapefruit juice within two hours after exercise. Yogurt is processed by adding bacterial cultures to milk, which converts lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid, giving yogurt its tart flavor and thick consistency. Online help preserve culture anabolic state of the gastrointestinal tract, supporting (GI) health by restoring intestinal microflora (which is usually compromised intensive training, diet, and some foods and supplements). The absorption of nutrients such as protein is to improve immune function and helps. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium, which is now recognized to help with fat loss because it suppresses the powerful fat hormone production. And, of course, yogurt is a good source of milk protein. Look for yogurt that lists live cultures, such as Bulgaricus Lactobacillus and Streptococcus thermophilis, on the label. Beware of yoghurt containing sugar. Dose: Yogurt makes a good snack at any time, except immediately before or after exercise. One cup of plain nonfat yogurt contains 156 calories, 13 grams protein, 17 g carbohydrates, 4 g fat, about 500 mg calcium, about grams each of branched amino acids and more than 1 g of glutamine. Look online and active culture yogurt National Association seal, to be sure that you choose the brand that are in the ieast 100000000 cultures per gram at the time of production.passive immune system Green tea has many benefits including fat loss, joint recovery and health of the liver and helps prevent cancer, heart disease and even, according to one recent study, HIV-infection. The active ingredient responsible for most of these benefits is epigallocatechin gallate flavonoids called (EGCG). EGCG has antioxidant properties, which provide most of its health benefits, and it increases metabolism, preventing the destruction of norepinephrine (NE). It also can interfere with digesting fats. In joints EGCG apparently inhibits an enzyme that destroys cartilage. Dose: eight ounces cup of green tea contains about 200 mg EHKH, drinking two or three cups of coffee a day can keep your metabolism humming, joints running smoothly and other body parts in high-grade form. Coffee was once considered to be unhealthy, but recent studies have shown that it provides many benefits for bodybuilders. In addition to strengthening the combat readiness, coffee thermogenic effect of fat. Caffeine is a great addition to increasing the efficiency of other thermogenic ingredients. Another way to increase fat liberation effect of caffeine consumed it in about an hour before training. Having coffee before lift is also useful because, according to recent studies, it is more effective than aspirin for blunting muscle. This means that you can train harder and harder muscles without complaining and trying to slow you down. What you may not know about coffee, it provides care. Recent studies have shown that moderate consumption of coffee (about three cups a day) reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes, liver disease and even gallstones. DOSE: Drink one or more regular eight ounce cups of coffee per 100-200 mg of caffeine each. (Instant coffee is usually slightly less than 100 mg. Larger cup of coffee-shop chain can contain up to 500 mg).

Broccoli contains high amounts of indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and closely related derivatives diindolilmetan, natural phytochemicals that reduce the strength of estrogen, making them poor grades in the liver. This reduces the effect of estrogen on fat and water retention and may enhance anabolic effects of testosterone. Recent studies have shown that it also neutralizes the harmful effects of high dihydrotestosterone, ultimately, helps to keep "good" level of testosterone and excess water and fat down. Dose: shoot one or more cup raw or steamed broccoli a day. This amount will supply more than 100 mg of I3C; 1,200-4,000 mcg of sulforaphane (the powerful cancer fighter), more than 80 mg of vitamin C and more than 40 mg of calcium. Spinach high in glutamine, amino acids, which increases muscle growth, immune and gastrointestinal health. Since spinach is about 90% water, to eat a large salad (you better eat cheese to keep glutamine). Spinach also contains oktakosanol. This compound has many health benefits (eg, cardiovascular), but the property most important for bodybuilders is its ability to increase muscle strength. You do not get a bunch of one salad, but you get it in natural form. Consider taking supplements oktakosanol with a salad of spinach, to really help with strength. .