Friday, February 24, 2012

Final approval of article: pt diaz, ma king

Credits: The authors thank Tina Bees and Valerie Wright for his help in preparing the manuscript. Grant Support: By National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Grants RO1-HL49730 and RO1HL53229 and Clinical Research Center Grant 2MO1-RR0034. Requests for Single Reprints: Philip T. Diaz, MD, light and resuscitation, North Hall 325 Means, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, OH 43210-1228. Requests for acquisition of mass re (minimum 100 copies):

Reprints Coordinator, phone 215-351-2657, e-mail, reprints {

} by mail. acponline. Org. Current Author Addresses: Dr.. Diaz, Pacht, Wewers, Gadek, Drake and Clanton: light and Intensive Care, Department of Internal Medicine,

Ohio State University, N-325 Means Hall, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, OH 43210.components of the immune system Martin Luther King: Department of Radiology, The Ohio State University, N-325 Means Hall, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, OH 43210. Dr. Nagaraj: Department of Statistics, Ohio State University, N-325 Means Hall, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, OH 43210. Author contributions: Conception and design: PT Diaz, MA King, ER Pacht, MD Wewers, JE Gadek, J. Drake, TL Clanton. Analysis and interpretation of data: PT Diaz, MA King, ER Pacht, JE Gadek, HN Nagaraj, TL Clanton. Preparation of the article: T. Diaz. Critical revision of Article important intellectual content: PT Diaz, A. King, MD Wewers, JE Gadek, HN Nagaraj,

TL Clanton. Final approval of article: PT Diaz, MA King, ER Pacht, MD Wewers, JE Gadek, HN Nagaraj, J. Drake, TL Clanton. Provision of study materials or patients: PT Diaz. Statistical expertise: HN Nagaraj, TL Clanton. Obtaining of funding: P. T. Diaz, MD Wewers. Administrative, technical and material support: PT Diaz buy lasix 40 mg. Collection and assembly data: MA King, J. Drake. .

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